Heros & Villains

Movie World, 2024

Welcome to the community-driven database of Movie World’s Heros and Villains event information and planning!

The information presented here does not in any way represent VRTP’s official policies, thoughts or advice. This is a purely community-run passion project! If an official VRTP employee tells you something that goes against what is said here, please please listen to them!

Start here!
The most essential information, FAQs, and important rules to keep in mind!

Where to go and what to do!

Community-built timetables for the park based on information given and best guesses from past events - Updated as we learn more!

Find your way!

Links to the official VRTP-made park map, suggestions of quiet spaces and good meeting points!

This event will be in the public eye!

Long-time event cosplayers best tips for handling the park attendees in a respectful and park-appropriate way!